Power and Energy

Power and Energy

The most expensive ongoing costs for a house are the power bills. So it’s surprising that people doing renovations give little focus to implementing energy efficient systems that reduce their electricity and gas usage. Too often are we caught up in whether the shade of paint we’ve used in the kitchen matches the marble bench, totally forgetting about how much power the place requires.

Sure, we might go out and buy energy efficient appliances, such as a dish washer and washing machine with a 4 star energy rating. But even the best brands can still wind up draining your power and causing you constant financial heartache.

Shop around for a good power supplier

With electricity prices seeing record increases, shopping around for the best deal is a necessity. With so many companies supplying power, you can find competitive rates outside of the major players.

Australian Power and Gas arrived on the scene a number of years ago and focus on direct marketing to individuals, rather than costly advertising on TV or other mediums. And because of this, they can pass a much bigger saving on to the customer.

Take special note of their Prompt Payment Discount, which saves you money off your bill simply by paying on time. This was originally 5%, but now with their Smart Saver 20, you get a massive 20% discount off your electricity and gas bills when you pay them on time. Highly recommended!

Implement a solar energy strategy

Solar power is regarded as the most efficient energy source for powering homes, however the initial upfront costs made it less enticing for people to switch over. But over the years, advances in solar technology have not only made it more effective, but also reduced costs, putting it in the reach of many more people.

If you’re in an apartment then body corporate rules may prevent you from installing solar panels, but for house owners, panels are a great investment.

In hot Australian summers, air conditioning units use up an amazing amount of electricity. Even the most economical systems can chew through the power and wreak havoc with your bills. So if you’re in a location that gets really hot summers, installing solar could be one of the best things you do. An advanced system can reduce electricity bills by up to 80% and can pay for itself within 2 years. Plus the reduction of greenhouse gases will let you feel nice and cold, without feeling guilty!

EV charging

If you’ve purchased an electric vehicle, charging it is one of the most important aspects of saving money and helping the environment. Getting an EV Charging Station at home is highly recommended as the infrastructure in public is still very much at an early stage.